How to install JivoChat on Unbounce pages
There are different methods to install JivoChat in your unbounce page, we will show you 3 methods to install our chat in just a couple of clicks.
Method 1:
Please login into your unbounce page panel, if you would like to add the code to all of your pages at once, please go to settings from the left side panel and then to "script manager" as shown below:
Now click on "Add script":
In this menu you can select "custom script" and add the name so you can identify it later.
Click on "Add script details":
Finally, just select the placement as "Head". choose the pages in which it will be included and add the code in the text input filed as shown in the image below:
Save and publish your script.
Remember to save changes in your page.
Method 2:
Go to your pages, find the one you would like to modify and click on "edit"
You will see now the editor from unbounce pages, go to "custom block" and drag it to the footer of your page:
When you do so, a menu will open, here you can add the JivoChat script and save:
Do not forget to save the changes in your unbounce pages panel:
Method 3:
Go to your pages and click on "edit" in the page you would like to add jivochat:
In this menu you can go directly to the "Javascript" option and then click on "Add new Javasript":
In this menu you can select the "head", add the JivoChat script and click on "Done"
And that is all! JivoChat is now installed on your unbounce page.
Keep in mind that these are just 3 different methods, do not use the 3 of them at once. Just select one and follow the steps.
Have a nice day!