How to install the chat code on Weblium
To install JivoChat on your Weblium website, please follow the steps below:
1. First of all, you'll need your own JivoChat account. If you already have an account, please skip to step 2. If you don't have a JivoChat account yet, go to and create a new account. Please check our how to get started tutorial if you have any doubts during the process.
2. With your JivoChat account created, access your JivoChat web app or one of our Desktop apps and go to Manage -> Channels -> Settings.
3. Next, go to the Installation tab and copy your unique widget ID. It is the part of the code selected in the image below:
4. With your ID in hands, access your Weblium website Settings and go to Chat -> JivoSite.
5. Paste your ID in the JivoSite ID field and click to Connect.
6. Publish your website to apply the changes.
That's it! The chat is now available on your website.
7. Now that JivoChat is installed on your website, it's time to start working. To be online and start receiving messages from your visitors, please login on one of the JivoChat agent apps.
Check our Working in the App tutorial to learn more about our application.